List for Living…

Inspired by Helen Fawkes, with some help from Life’d.

I talk about the inspiration for this list in this blog post. You are welcome to comment, make suggestions, encourage and support me, or even join me in some of the activities.

It’s is more of a travel guide than a rigid itinerary, something I can dip into, refer to and play with, change or remove things and add new items as and when new ideas occur to me.

There are no must-do’s, should-do’s or targets, no particular order or priority and no time boundaries. This list is about living life to the full, dancing in the rain, finding out what I want, what I like and having experiences. When I die, I want to know that I really lived. And it doesn’t matter if I don’t complete the list before I die… maybe some of you will do it for me…?

1. Go to Paris for lunchDone!

2. Haggle in the market in Istanbul

3. Sleep on a beach, under the stars and be first in the sea in the morning

oysters4. Swim naked and see phosphorescence in the sea at night

5. Eat an oyster – Done!

Zeke6. Spend time with my young nephew in New YorkDone… again! (To be done again… and often!)

7. Visit the Guggenheim museum in New York – Done… also the Met!
7a. Visit the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao – Done!

8. Drive through Italy on my very own ‘Room with a View’ tour of stunning Italian cities (Venice, Rome, Siena, Florence, Naples)Done! (apart from Naples)

9. Help someone else fulfil a dream – Done… supported a friend to walk the Camino de Santiago!

10. Train as a Playback Theatre practitionerDone!

11. Set up a Playback Theatre group to perform for/to groups of people affected by cancerTried hard but couldn’t make it happen.

12. Volunteer with R&Be to raise awareness of blood, stem cell and organ donation – Done!

riviera roadcamel desert13. Drive along the Côte d’Azur in an open-top sports car – had a taster!

14. Ride a camel across a desert, wearing a keffiyeh

15. Ride a horse in Central Park, New York no longer possible
15a. Ride a horse in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York – no longer wanted

15b. Ride a horse on a trek – could be anywhere

16. Plan my burial ceremony, find the perfect burial place, choose the tree I want planted – in progress!

17. Have a wooden floor in my kitchen – Done!

18. Dance in the rain – Done!

19. Live in rural Wales for a few months – no longer wanted.

fat duck food20. Travel on the Orient Express

21. Eat at the Fat Duck

22. Foster a dog – became Adopt a dog – Done!

23. Meet online myeloma friend: Deborah, from Hertfordshire, UKDone!
23a. Meet online cancer friend: Marie-Chantal, from Canada – sadly no longer possible – she died in August 2014
23b. Meet online cancer friend: Rebecca, from USA – sadly no longer possible – she decided not to be my friend because we disagreed about the situation in  Israel/Palestine
23c. Meet online myeloma friend: Marianne, from Norway – sadly no longer possibleshe died in April 2014

24. Get a new sofa and curtains for my living room – Done!

Santiago-de-Compostela25. Walk the Camino de Santiago – in planning, with dog.

26. Go barefoot walkingDone!

27. Float in the Dead Sea

28. Write a will

29. Visit Monet’s garden at Giverney

30. Explore the Danube Delta by boat – no longer wanted.

31. Bake a cake for an elderly neighbourDone!

32. See a Blue Man group showDone!

33. Be part of a flash mob

Antony Gormley Fieldandy goldsworthy34. Create a piece of outdoor art with other people
(inspired by Antony Gormley and Andy Goldsworthy)

35. Learn/re-learn to speak Greek fluently

36. Visit Victoria Falls – no longer wanted

37. Have a professional photo taken with my family – Done!

38. Create a short film/video

39. Write a book
39a. Write a regular newspaper columnDone! Now ongoing writing for a local magazine:

40. Watch an opera in Verona – Done!

41. Meet my Irish relatives

41a. Apply for Irish citizenship – Done/ongoing!

42. Stay up all night with friends round a camp fire, chatting, singing, watching the stars and seeing the sunrise

43. Learn to play tennisNo longer wanted.
43a. Go to watch professional tennis at Wimbledon

44. Watch all Three Colours films, (Bleu, Blanc, Rouge), one after the other

yarn-bombing-tree-guerilla-knitting-yarnstorming-graffiti-knitting45. Go on a week’s dog sledding and camping trip in the snow – Done! (Well, three days, in Finland.)

46. Re-learn to knit and complete a knitting project Done!

47. Create a job/work that I love – no longer wanted, other than writing and voluntary work.

48. Do a long distance cycle ride – no longer wanted.

49. Do a “Thelma & Louise”-style road trip with my friend Krish, up Australia’s east coast

50. Learn to play the harmonica

51. Learn to speak Italian
51a. Live in Verona for a few months

52. Take a flight in a two-seater airplane – no longer wanted.
52a. Take a flight in a glider – no longer wanted.

Jaguar XKR Coupe53. Learn to fly a plane, obtain a Private Pilot Licence [PPL] – no longer wanted.

54. Drive a Jaguar XK – a red one!

55. Learn to enjoy doing nothing – ongoing!

61 Responses to List for Living…

  1. Pingback: List for Living | jet black living...

  2. Pingback: List for Living | jet black living...

  3. Brilliant list. I’ve only got as far as move house, go on safari in Kenya on mine! Who knows I may even join you in a couple of them in the future. 🙂


  4. I love the idea of riding in Central Park!


  5. and the Danube delta by boat. 🙂


  6. Lisa-Marie says:

    Hi Jet

    You can foster a dog via the dogs trust. It’s for families in a womens refuge until they can get rehoused.

    Think your list is fantastic.xx


    • Jet Black says:

      Thanks for that info, Lisa-Marie. I’m already signed up with Refs for Pets who offer that service in Nottm. I had two cats for a few months but so far no dogs. I’ll check out Dogs Trust. x


      • Becca says:

        We used Refs For Pets loads when I worked at the Community Domestic Violence service! There were so many women turned away due to a lack of suitable foster carers for dogs. Was so, so sad. I knew too many women who declined a place in a new property or refuge as a result of being unable to temporarily re-home their beloved pet. Worse still when then considered putting their animal to sleep to make things easier. It was heartbreaking at times. Well done Jet for doing this. When we are able, I want to do similar. X


  7. Mavis Nevill says:

    Hi Jet, I love the idea of having 50 items on my list -such a generous number, it suggests lots of living ahead, and like you, that’s what I intend. I shall enjoy pondering on yours, and enjoy putting my list together. Mavis xxxx


  8. Deborah says:

    OOh I’d like to join you in a flashmob and definitely meet up. Perhaps we could combine the campfire and meeting up at my Summer party on July 13th so keep the date free if you fancy it.
    We have fostered a few dogs from LurcherLink. They are lovely sofa cuddling dogs the problem is not being tempted to offer them a forever home!
    Deborah x


  9. I would certainly echo the Lurcher idea. We have a Saluki greyhound cross and he is fabulous and on the sofa beside me in his pyjamas as I write. Yes, pyjamas – not much fat on him and he gets cold at night so we had some fleece pyjamas made for him and he loves them 🙂

    If you want to add Dragon Boat racing to your list, there is a group of us who go paddling in Docklands, London and it’s a boat for those affected by cancer. Really good fun, a fantastic team and I’d highly recommend it. We’re called Wave Walkers and you can find us on Facebook. The main team is called Raging Dragons and they help us out and make up numbers in the boat. I know it’s not in your part of the world but not a million miles away and may be one to put on the list!


    • Jet Black says:

      Thanks for sharing about the dragon boat racing, Shelley. I’ve heard of the project before. I hadn’t thought of it, but I’ll definitely get in touch if I decide to add it to the list. And London’s not a problem as I have family there.


  10. katew101 says:

    I can help you with the dog seldging in the UK. I have a friend who lives in the middle of Thetford Forest in an idylic stone cottage. She has 40 Huskies which are used for giving people the Huskie experience, racing and sometimes even modeling. Email me on kate@katewebber if you want to know more. By the way, I am Deborah Bone’s sister


    • Jet Black says:

      Ah yes, the famous sister, Kate! Nice to meet you. 😉 I look forward to meeting in person at Deb’s party in July.

      As for Thetford, I’m actually hoping to go back to Scandinavia for the dog sledding/camping trip. Part of the thrill is whooshing along in the snow, well-insulated so you don’t feel cold, not to mention the challenge of camping in the snow. But I appreciate the offer. Amazing how when you put your wishes out into the universe, you often get help with them from all kinds of unexpected places.


  11. Ginnie says:

    love, love, love it! You are going to get me blogging yet~! 😉


  12. Peter Webb says:

    If you get to do your road trip in Australia, my family have a cottage in rural Victoria (south east coast) so you could do no. 19 there, then get all Thelma and Louise up the coast. We also love outdoor sculpture … You would be welcome.


  13. pauline selston says:

    i also have number 24, maybe you could help me by exercising your number 9 lol, interesting list, i might try and compile one


    • Jet Black says:

      How’s the list coming on, Pauline? Sell my house? Buy a campervan/motorhome? Visit friends around the UK? Live in Spain for the Winter? So many possibilities!


  14. Jet Black says:

    LOL! Pauline. I do hope you’ll let me see your list when you’ve written it.


  15. Morag says:

    I’ve floated in the Dead Sea but none of the rest yet. Perhaps I’ll start on my own list! Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂


  16. Pingback: “Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood.” | jet black living…

  17. I like your list Jet, the fact that they are very personal and achievable is wonderful. All of them experiences that would be life-enriching. I have to confess to watching my first opera in Verona (in the open air amphitheatre) and even though it was the Barber of Saville, I cried tears of pure, unadulterated, joy. Good luck with your quest and if you ever fancy a visit to Bath (you need to add that to your list) I will happily host you 🙂 x


    • Jet Black says:

      Ah thanks Debbie! What a lovely offer. I guess I could add a visit to Bath to the list. I want to achieve some that are already there before I add new ones… and there are plenty of new ones cropping up all the time.


  18. Pingback: Out of adversity… | jet black living…

  19. Pingback: Vacation rules | jet black living…

  20. Pingback: Joyeux anniversaire à moi! | jet black living…

  21. Pingback: Minor scare | jet black living…

  22. Pingback: Rusty… | jet black living…

  23. Pingback: Flying high | jet black living…

  24. Becca says:

    Fancy having a go at making that art installation with me? I’ve got that on my To Do list too Jet! And I’m also inspired greatly by Andy Goldsworthy. Went to se the huge exhibition of his at Yorkshire Sculpture Park last year….. Or was it the year before. Can’t remember now. My brain dowsn’t work like it used to! Anyway, I’d LOVE to have a bash at making something challenging and exciting out t int he woods or summet. Let me know what you think 😀


  25. Pingback: List for Living review | jet black living…

  26. Pingback: The grand finale – Part I | jet black living…

  27. bembeezled says:

    Καλημέρα! I love, love, love this list I found whilst perusing your blog! Such a fantastic idea 🙂 xx


  28. Pingback: NaBloWriMo – Day 1: Playback playing | small stones

  29. Bev says:

    sounds like fun, fun fun, except I’m not sure about the “thelma and Louise” type thing. I never even thought of making such a list. I had one thing I wanted to do when I was regaining my life 20+ years ago and it was travel the west in an RV…a few years later I did that. I have also had a recovery ranch foremost in my mind all this time…but I am still homeless, so I don’t see that one. I in fact have such a struggle for survival, I guess I couldn’t see making a list because I just thought I’d never be able to do any of them. I can’t even get any help for someone to patch my sagging roof–I don’t want to put fix my roof on the list. I guess I have never had much of an imagination. But your list, even just the art piece out in nature is inspiring.


    • Jet Black says:

      Bev, I’m aware that I am very fortunate; I have access to funds for the big stuff. But I made sure that some things on the list were not about money, travel or grand plans, as that isn’t the really important stuff for me. It’s about connecting… so making a cake for a neighbour, volunteering and helping someone else achieve their wishes. Your list can be anything. It’s about what you want/desire – it can be as silly, little, personal as you like. It’s not about mending roofs. But it’s hard to be imaginative when you’re dealing with basic survival needs.

      It sounds like your RV trip wasn’t so far off my plan with Krish in Australia. We’re both quite into Thelma & Louise… might even shoot someone if we got really trigger happy. LOL!


  30. Bev says:

    LOL. I might shoot someone, but it wouldn’t be if I were “happy”. LOL. I never thought of the small stuff I guess…you have given me a good start on my list!


    • Jet Black says:

      That’s great! Just remember, it’s YOUR list – you can put or not put anything on it and you can edit/add to/delete from it if things no longer fit. You’re welcome to share it here too if you’d like. And maybe you can ask people to help you fulfil your wishes…


  31. Bev says:

    1. I would like to run like the breeze (and not worry that my connective tissue in my feet fall apart so my bones break) LOL.
    2. Like to ride a horse at a gallop (same as above)…
    3. Set up a recovery ranch for people with all kinds of disabilities to come stay for awhile and do what they would like to do to feel better…..
    4. Have a large space outdoors to use as a canvas for art projects.
    5. Take a kayak down the Feather River in the northern Sierra mountains.
    6. Play in the snow.
    7. Have a better RV to live in, and an actual truck to pull it around and visit other parts of the country.
    8. Do some kind of cross country walk or horseback trip.

    Its a start…


    • Jet Black says:

      Fantastic start! One of the things I did, which isn’t mentioned on my list but gave me a lot of pleasure, was to send postcards to people (anyone who gave me their address and said that they wanted one), when I did my Grand Tour to Italy. So, it can really be anything!


  32. Bev says:

    How are you doing on #55? I had a dream this morning that I had set up a human maze and was running trials. The person I sent through, I gave instructions to not stay in the maze, but to climb a certain portion and go about doing something…but they couldn’t do the task. I took a look at that, and thought I would send them through with no instructions–they did fine. I woke up thinking the person could not run the maze with my instructions because they could not see it–only I could see it in my mind. This is why a person must create their own goals, and the coach act as cheerleader… I must re-frame my goals. My only goal in life when I was so sick I could not sit up for more than an hour a day, was to become expressive of myself and somehow live from my center, letting others know I was still in here! I have worked my way out through healing and time, and correct supplements and nutrition and healing, and the Spirit going through me, and time…I have more than I have ever had–even though I am 50+ and still homeless…

    So put on my list: Find my peers and keep in touch.


    • Jet Black says:

      Wow Bev. Thank you for sharing so personally. And yes, having cheerleaders around makes so much difference. I’d like to volunteer for the role. And look, you’ve already started finding your peers, if I may be so bold to include myself? Do stay in touch here or via email:


  33. D.E. Cantor says:

    I find this so inspiring! Please let me know if I can help with anything. I am thinking the beach, art and film projects, I could really help you with. And, I could help get that art project in an art show and looked at and covered by an art mag.


    • Jet Black says:

      Wow! Thank you! I haven’t even begun to consider that yet, but great to have you on board. I will definitely let you know as it makes itself ready to happen. I find things kinda bubble up to the surface, present themselves, so to speak, when they’re ‘ripe’. Where do you live?


  34. Pingback: On being judged | jet black living…

  35. positivema says:

    Love your list idea, it’s a great idea!


  36. Cape Coop says:

    I adore this idea, 50 items,well, that is quite a lot of different ideas to plan, I think that it would be great fun to make a list like this with my fiance. I would normally do this on my own, but after 7 difficult years apart, I find myself wanting to pair up with him as much as possible in our dreams and schemes.


  37. Pingback: I’m a Survivor! | jet black living…

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